Tuesday, January 8, 2013

As I walked into daycare tonight I was reminded (jokingly) that my daughter attends a Christian based daycare. As soon as I was told this I knew exactly why this was being told to me (again jokingly).

See...Tabitha is obsessed with Cinderella. When I say obsessed, I mean obsessed. We've watched the movie that she got for Christmas at least 10 times. In fact we are watching it right now. As she's trying to better understand the story, Tabs keeps asking who is who. As you may recall one of the supporting actors is the cat. And can you remember the cat's name? Yep...that's right....Lucifer. Tabs asked me on the way to daycare today what the cat's name was. Not thinking about it I replied Lucifer. As soon as I said it I knew it was a bad idea. And I was right...she repeated the name Lucifer all day long. Of course the entire staff knows her obsession so they knew exactly what she was referring to.

Oh...just another funny story to add to Tabitha's list!


Tean said...

Ha ha!!! Love this picture!

Chaco Dunbar said...

I love my baby ❤.