Saturday, January 12, 2013

No longer a toddler

This week was the big move. Tabitha is no longer considered a toddler at daycare, and she has now entered the young preschool room.  It's hard to believe that her time at daycare is nearly half over already.  She's been there a little over two years and has a little over two and a half left before she starts kindergarten (that's assuming she starts when she's five, but I'll leave that to another post).

Tabitha seemed happy and excited about the move up.  She now gets M&Ms for going potty like a big girl, gets to play on the big playground outside and now eats in the big lunch room.  Tabitha moved up with some of her friends from her toddler room and she also knows a lot of the kids already in the room, so it wasn't foreign.

One of my big concerns was for her reaction to a male teacher.  In general she's been more shy with men than she has with women.  Once she gets to know them, then it's fine, so I wasn't completely sure how she would be with this teacher.  Tabs has seen him in the hallway, but that is different than having him for a teacher.  Earlier in the week she had been spending an increasing amount of hours in her new classroom, but Thursday was the big day where drop off and pick up were in the "Cricket" room.  On Thursday I dropped her off with the male teacher there...a little worried about her reaction to him, the fact that she was the first one there, and the thought of me leaving for work worried me more than I should have.  We walked in and he asked her a question, and to my amazement she answered right away and was not shy.  As I left the two of them were off to play.  Pickup yesterday calmed by nervousness even more, as the first person she hugged goodbye was him.

James and I have said that we can no longer call Tabitha a baby, and now we can no longer call her a toddler.  She's growing up way too fast....

A picture emailed  to me yesterday from one of her teachers.  Playing dress up is one of her favorites!

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