Saturday, January 19, 2013

Sesame Street Live!

I saw the ads on TV.  There's was no denying this one...I just had to take Tabitha to see Sesame Street Live.  I passed up Disney on Ice in late 2012 thinking she wasn't old enough for a show, but then I remembered how well she sits for performances and how her teachers said she listens so well at story time and during chapel.  So, I did it.

Patiently waiting for the live characters
Since James was gone for the weekend, I invited my parents, sister and niece to come with.  All agreed to coming and so I ordered the tickets.  I didn't tell Tabitha until the week of.  I knew she still doesn't understand the concept of time yet and so I didn't want her thinking that we were going then and there.  As I told her about it she got really excited...saying how she was going to see Elmo, Abby, Grover, and Big Bird.

We arrived a little early knowing that there were some live character appearances before the shown and opportunities to take pictures.  We got in just in time to see the last character appearance.  Tabs was facing away from me, so I didn't get to see her face as Ernie, Zoe and Cookie Monster walked in, but based upon her smile afterwards she was excited.  Tabs had a great time going around and taking pictures at different stations and along with her cousin.

Next came the performance.  Tabitha was excited as I explained the stage and that Elmo would be down there dancing and singing.  Throughout the performance she happily laughed, clapped and danced with her arms to the music.  She also kept trying to tell Abby Cadabby (not her auntie Abby) that Elmo had her wand.  Tabitha was a star at keeping still and paying attention.  I guess we'll be attending more of these in the future :)

Here are some photos from the day:

Zoe--up close and personal!

Having' fun!

Abby and Emma!

Happy Emma!

In Big Bird's nest

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