Saturday, January 5, 2013

A busy (but very merry) Christmas

Since Tabitha's been born, we've been pretty laid back when it came to Christmas.  There hasn't been much hustle or bustle in the past, but this year we decided to go all out!

Our 2012 Christmas adventures started on December 23.

James and Tabitha started the day out with some yummy cinnamon rolls!

Then, James opened his gift from Tabitha.

Tabs then took a nap (an early nap in an unusual location) before it was time to head over to grandma and grandpa's house.

We spent the rest of the day at my parents house meeting our new niece, Emma, and eating yummy food and opening lots of gifts (more pictures of that to come soon).

On Christmas Eve we braved the airport, which to our surprise there weren't many people flying, and headed off to Indiana to see James' parents.  Tabitha once again proved that she is a super-star flyer.

It always helps of course to dress her up in a tutu and in a cute hairbow.  She loved having her own seat this time!

Once we got to Indiana, lots of time was spent reading books and acting silly!

Tabs practiced her photography skills and learned what ham salad was!

She saw all of her aunts, uncles and cousins (but was partial to her Uncle Steve!).

On the 26th Indiana saw lots of snow, so James donned "King" and snowblowed the driveway.  Once that was complete, we went out shopping only to learn all of the stores, but the grocery store were closed due to the snow.  So, we took it in stride and made the best out of finding things to do at the grocery store.

We headed home on the 27th, and came to find that Santa visited while we were away.  The look on Tabitha's face was priceless!  We went to work and daycare on the 28th, and rested for part II of our Christmas adventures.

I love the thumbs up (and yes, she did pose pink baby there)

On Saturday we headed back to the airport and got on a plane...this time to St. Louis where our niece was getting baptized!

We enjoyed lunch at Steak 'n Shake, dinner at Outback and a peaceful evening.  Sunday we were up and ready to head to the church for an enjoyable morning with family!

Can you see the look in their eyes...these two spell trouble in the future!

After brunch on Sunday we headed back to the airport and finally made it home after a forgotten carseat on the jetway (don't worry...we retrieved it).  

Finally we made it home where we enjoyed our new toys and just relaxed!  

It was a crazy, busy Christmas, but one we will never forget!

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