Sunday, January 13, 2013

A picture a day

I decided that I would try something this year to see how Tabitha grows and changes.  This idea came after I saw the huge difference in how she looked from early 2012 to the end of the year.  The change was really noticeable when I looked at her one year photos and her two year photos.

Each day this year I am going to take a picture of her.  Other than on January 1 I've done great at remembering.  I think sometimes I get so caught up in the daily routine that I forget to see how Tabitha changes.  I've been good at keeping up her baby book with her big milestones, and I am hoping this blog will help remind me of everything else, but just watching her change is totally different.

I don't know what I'll do with the pictures at the end of the year, but I have a little while to think about it!

January 2

January 3

January 4

January 5

January 6

January 7

January 8

January 9

January 10

January 11

1 comment:

Chaco Dunbar said...

Smiles in every one ❤