Sunday, December 30, 2012

This picture is from awhile back, but makes me giggle when I see it.  A few days after Thanksgiving we went to the grocery store to get some groceries.  All of us went as it makes it a bit easier for everyone when that happens.  Tabs was getting anxious towards the end...proceeding to touch everything and to not use her listening ears.  As we were checking out, she accidently knocked over James' coffee, which was still rather full (the teenage clerk leaned over and said "whoa...that's a lot of coffee).  We cleaned it up, but it was a prelude to what would become at least the next half of our day.

When we got home we could tell that Tabs was tired.  We offered to put her down for a nap, but she wasn't interested and was more interested in throwing a tantrum (yes, while we would love to say our daughter is perfect, she is two....see October 28 blog post).  So we decided that since she wasn't using her listening ears that she could get a timeout.  Once she calmed down we asked her if she wanted out of timeout and she said no.  Hum we is timeout going to be timeout if she wants to stay in it.  So, we made her get out of timeout, which just caused the whole cycle to start over again.

Finally, by about noon (when we should have been eating lunch), she marched to the top of the stairs and laid down, and fell asleep.  Ahhh...the life of a two year old!


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