Saturday, December 22, 2012

A Puzzle Master

It started about a year ago.  For Christmas I got Tabitha an age appropriate puzzle.  A puzzle of animals that had the pictures underneath so that you can see where they were going.  At the time she was just shy of 18 months, but loved it.  Within one week or so she had the thing mastered.  So, it was back to Target to get another similar type of puzzle.  Again, it was mastered within about one week.

This fall, we had to make a stop to Walgreens.  Tabs and James were in the car and Tabs was napping, so I tried to kill some additional time in the store.  I walked the aisles and soon came upon the toy aisle.  There I found a twelve piece Cinderella puzzle.  I decided to buy it as Tabs wasn't feeling well and it may be something that she could do while just hanging out.  Never mind that the age level was for about 5 and up.  She loved the puzzle and soon began to work on it.  The first month or so was slow going and she needed a lot of help.  But now...a month and a half later she has the thing mastered yet again.

Working on it as soon as she woke up one morning

All done!

Showing Fred and Pink Baby how to be a puzzle master!

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