Saturday, December 15, 2012

My feet hurt

A few weeks ago as I picked up Tabitha at school she complained about her feet hurting.  Really, I thought? I just had her feet measured about a month ago...she really can't be growing out of her shoes already.  I kind of blew it off and decided to worry about it later as I was in a hurry to get going so that we could get home at a decent hour.

Once we arrived home, we went through our usual routine.  Walk into the house, sit down on our stool, and take off shoes, hats, and coats.  As Tabitha asked for help I looked down and suddenly understood why her feet hurt.  I quickly realized that that day must have been done of those where they were practicing putting on  their own shoes after nap.

See if you can spot the reason why Tabs' feet hurt....

Yep...not only are the shoes on the wrong feet, the socks all in a bunchy, but (the hard part to see) the tongue of the shoe is also all messed up.  At least she's learning to get them on :)

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