Sunday, January 30, 2011

I must admit that we've been EXTREMELY lucky. Our little girl sleeps through the night about 95% of the time. We know that once she's got her thumb in her mouth, and she's turned to the side, that she's out...see you in the morning little girl.

Last night/this morning we were not that lucky. Something seemed to bother her, we just didn't know what. Maybe she needed food. Nope...that wasn't it. Maybe she needed a new diaper. Nope...that wasn't it. She was fine in our arms, seemed to get drowsy, but as soon as her head hit the matress...BOOM, eyes were wide open and the crying began the second you left the room. For two hours we played this game. We tried to let her cry it out (TORTURE for mom and dad), but she would get so worked up that she would never put herself back down. Finally, at 1 a.m. she was asleep. I took nearly 5 minutes to leave her room once I figured out she was asleep because I did not want to take a misstep and hit something or cause a tiny noise that would make her wake back up again.

I can't complain, 95% of the time bedtime and sleeping are a breeze; however, since we haven't done a two hour, middle of the night, stint like this since about the first month, it seemed like torture. So, in honor of Tabitha's "Sleepless in Minneapolis" night, here are some very cute pictures of her actually sleeping. There's something so peaceful and beautiful about a sleeping baby....

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