Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

2010 was a fabulous year! From some great things happening at work to having a beautiful daughter enter our life, it's going to be hard to top this past year. But, I am sure that 2011 will bring many memorable moments like 2010 did.

While it's going to be hard to watch Tabitha grow up, I am looking forward to some of her milestones to come. She is close to sitting by herself, which I believe will bring her great she HATES being on her back. She'll tolerate it in the morning, but by afternoon she just wants to sit up and watch the world around her. Soon she'll be crawling, standing, walking, and talking. 2011 is going to be so much fun. I better keep the baby book close by to record all of the milestones. In the meantime though, check back here often for updates, as I resolve to post more entries and James resolves to get me photos sooner so you don't have to read about Tabitha's Halloween in January :)

Happy New Year!

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