Saturday, January 1, 2011


I am a bit late getting this post up, but Tabitha had the opportunity this year to participate in Halloween. She could have cared less about it, and it really was all for mom and dad (like I think most of the first year's events are). We had a cute little blanket and hat that resembled a ladybug for her, which we were able to get multiple uses out of.

First, on the Thursday before Halloween, daycare (which she had just started) had a little Halloween parade. Again, for the parents, but the kids seemed to enjoy it too. Tabitha didn't have the chance to get the blanket on, but she did look awfully cute in just the hat.

On Friday, she got to wear her new onesie that grandma got her. It says "Daddy's under my spell". James response to that was "Of courseI'm under her spell...her name's Tabitha, isn't it?" (Of course the reference to Bewitched).

On Saturday, Amma Maternity (a FABULOUS place where we did all of our prenatal classes at) had a Halloween photo opportunity.

Finally, on Halloween day, Tabitha went trick or treating. We went really early and just to a few neighbors' houses, but she seemed to have a good time. While she didn't really know what was going on, hopefully she'll come to love these pictures later on.

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