Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Bowl Full of Mush

Tabitha has the book "Goodnight Moon". And for those of you who have never read it, there's a line in there about "a comb, a brush, and a bowl full of mush". Well, Tabitha has officially entered the bowl full of mush stage for dinner these days.

On December 30, since we both had a day off, we decided to take the plunge and give Tabitha her first solids. Our doctor said it was okay at about 4 months, but we decided to wait until she was closer to five months...why rush (or maybe should we say, why rush the horrible diapers that come along with solids). We didn't know what to expect, but like all good parents we had the video camera and the camera out to mark this special occasion.

While I can hardly consider rice cereal well blended with milk a solid, it is, so that is what we started with. The first bite ellicit little reaction from her. She was moving that tongue, and just trying to take it all in. We had just planned to give her a few bites to start with, but as we continued on she just wanted more and more. Soon she was grabbing for the spoon and getting her head as close to the bowl as she could. It was like it was the best stuff in the world (I can testify though that it was quite bland) And...amazingly 75% of it got into her mouth and into her tummy. So, when day 2 came for feeding, we didn't know if she would have the same reaction. You read that they could like it one day and hate it another. However, day 2 got the same reaction.

All I can say is that this girl loves her food, and is more and more like her daddy all of the time!

The better pictures are to come, this is one from the other night (taken with my phone as I am trying to feed about multi-tasking). Look at her eyes though...she's so excited about it!

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