Sunday, January 2, 2011

First Snow!

In mid-November we received a lot of snow for our first snowfall. Of course, with the first snowfall of the year, it was also Tabitha's first snowfall ever. Even though it was kind of cold out we decided that this was much too big of an event for her to miss out on. So, we bundled her up in her snowsuit and went outside to capture several shots. Tabitha didn't really care that much about it--there was a lack of smiles, but on the flip side there was also no tears.

One day we hope that she loves the snow. We have big ambitions that in two years she'll be skiing with us. But until then, we'll just have some fun playing in the snow.

1 comment:

Tean said...

We have yet to take Blaine out to "play" in the snow. It's always to darn windy here. There was a day last week that was perfect but Chad was working and I didn't want him to miss it!! Hopefully before it melts and we flood he will get play in it!