Saturday, September 15, 2012


Fall brings cooling weather, shorter days, falling days, and WALNUTS!  If you have ever visited our yard before we have a Black Walnut tree.  It's a very beautiful, mature tree that provides a lot of shade, but also provides us a mess in the fall.  Between the squirrels eating the walnuts and and dropping walnuts it can get quite messy.

A few weeks back we had a big branch come down.  There really hadn't been a storm; however, sometimes the walnuts get to be too many and too heavy for the branch.  It's a good thing we weren't eating dinner as it came down on the deck.  James was able to get the branch all cut up, but it left quite the mess of walnuts.

So, with that mess, but the mess of other walnuts in the yard, I enlisted my big helper to clean up.  Let's just say that this girl has some cleaning/neatness genes in here, because she sincerely enjoys cleaning up.  We each grabbed a bucket and got picking up.  In no time Tabitha had filled her entire bucket with walnuts.

Quite the task ahead of her

Examining them

The entire bucket was filled!

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