Saturday, September 29, 2012

Tabs may be petite, but if you haven't figured out she has quite the personality.  Now that she talks all of the time, and mainly in complete sentences, we have been able to see even more of that fun little girl come out.  She can be shy around you if she hasn't met you in awhile, but give her a little time and space and she'll certainly come around.

She loves to show off.  If you are sitting on the couch talking with others, so slowly start taking the toys out of her toy chest and hold them up so you can see them.  Pretty soon if you aren't taking enough interest in her then she'll start dancing around.  It's quite amusing.

Then there's her laughter.  It's contagious I tell you.  It's hard not to laugh even if you are in the worst of moods.  There's been more than one time where this has happened to me.

Tabs also loves to help.  Mainly it's in the cleaning realm where she will pick up her toys the instant you ask her.  In fact, she's been known to get mad at other kids at school when they don't help.  But, then she also loves to help her friends at school.  The other day the teachers told me that she was trying to help another, littler friend up the stairs and showing her how to do it.  I guess Tabs is an expert in it with all of the stairs in our house.  The teachers have told me that some days she's a little mother hen.

Her talking really shows her personality.  At school as we are leaving she loves to say goodbye to everyone...especially her teachers.  There's one gal at school, while not her teacher, absolutely adores Tabitha.  The past few weeks as school she has started saying her  name (and it's not an easy one).  So, as we are walking out Tabs will say "goodbye K.....".  All of a sudden that gal will stop what she's doing, Tabs will run to her and give her a giant bear hug.  Every time this gal says it melts her heart.  I love that my little girl makes others feel so good.

I'm such a proud mommy to have a wonderful little girl!

Her serious look

Cheese!  "I'm 2 years and 1 month old and just now fitting in 18 month pants, but still wearing 12 month shirts"

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