Sunday, September 23, 2012


Tabs found the paint the other day.  I keep it in a locked cabinet, but when she found it she knew exactly what it was even though we have used it only one other time.  Throughout dinner all she could talk about was painting her arm with it.  So, to entice her to eat her dinner (or maybe bribe is the more appropriate word here), I told her we would go outside and paint...on paper that was.

I didn't end up keeping her masterpiece (shhh...I didn't tell her that).  Although I found this really cool website (thank you Pinterest) that lets you talk pictures of the artwork and then it loads it into a book format and you can print your book.  A great way to keep artwork without having to keep it.  I am going to try that because each week we come home with A LOT of creations from school.

Behold the creations of the next Monet....

Working hard


"Mom, I paint my arm"

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