Sunday, September 16, 2012

The piggies

Ah....behold Tabitha's toes.  The tiny little things that they still are.  Still small enough that it makes nail trimming time a precarious event.  However, for a little girl they are wonderous--especially if they are painted.

About three weeks ago, I went in and got a manicure.  When I arrived home Tabitha and James were oohing and aahing over them.  That's when Tabs asked if her toes could be painted.  I stalled and said that we could do it after her pictures the next day.  I was able to stall it a day longer, but finally one night I gave in as I decided I could listen to her ask anymore.  We started with a big toe...something easy.  As I started she screamed that it hurt.  Really?  Hum....ok.  I was able to finish and went to the other big toe.  Again, screams of pain.  This was interesting, but I gave up.  Two out of ten toes completed.  Not bad...20%.

Over the next few weeks her painted toes was all that she could talk about.  "My pink toes".  "Where's my pink toes?"  She even proceeded to show her teachers at school her toes.  Just the other day I was able to complete the set.  She sat well and I was able to get all ten toes painted.  Finally! she wants her fingernails painted.  Think she's a girly girl or what?!

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