Tuesday, April 24, 2012

So, tonight we tried out the new bike seat.  After a few fights with the bike and seat, they finally went together and we were ready to try it out soon after dinner. 

As Tabitha got her bike helmet on she seemed a little nervous about what was to happen next.  We set her in the seat, much to her dismay, and she kept saying "out", "no", and "all done".  We told her as we were tightening the straps as far as they would go that she would have a blast.  No sooner down the driveway there were shouts of glee.  After a short loop around on the street, dada and Tabitha headed out on a longer bike ride.  She had a blast!  Let's hope the weather stays nice for awhile and we can all go for a long bike ride together.

After the bike ride.  She had so much fun!

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