Sunday, April 15, 2012

Easter 2012

Last Sunday we celebrated Easter.  The morning started off with a small Easter egg hunt (held within the house).  We put just a few eggs out in easy view, and let Tabitha go at it.  She really liked the Elmo egg (ELMO!), and had fun asking everyone to open them up for her.  She even found a few treats in some of them.

After Tabitha's Easter egg hunt, she got dressed up in her beautiful Easter dress (and even posed for some pictures).

Then it was off to church that morning.  Tabitha loves music, and she was eagerly singing along to many of the songs.  She had fun everyone oohhing and aahhing over her and how beautiful she looked.  When we got home we were able to snap a few photos of her outside.

A pretty looking girl!

Cheesy smile!

Did you say barrette?
The rest of the day was spent with mommy and daddy and grandma and grandpa.  It was a fun day and we look forward to next year!

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