Friday, April 27, 2012

Snake Dance

Tabs love to dance.  I think I've proven that here before.  One day though she started doing this new dance and hissing along with it.  I asked her teachers at daycare if they taught her these moves, but they said no.  They dance a lot...but no, they didn't teach her this one.  We have appropriately named it her snake dance.

I guess she's got the "moves like jagger"....

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

So, tonight we tried out the new bike seat.  After a few fights with the bike and seat, they finally went together and we were ready to try it out soon after dinner. 

As Tabitha got her bike helmet on she seemed a little nervous about what was to happen next.  We set her in the seat, much to her dismay, and she kept saying "out", "no", and "all done".  We told her as we were tightening the straps as far as they would go that she would have a blast.  No sooner down the driveway there were shouts of glee.  After a short loop around on the street, dada and Tabitha headed out on a longer bike ride.  She had a blast!  Let's hope the weather stays nice for awhile and we can all go for a long bike ride together.

After the bike ride.  She had so much fun!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Ready for biking

Each year we look forward to the end of March.  Yes, while it is James' birthday, it's also when we get our REI dividens.  This year we had lots of ideas on what to spend our dividens on, but it took until we got there to figure out exactly what we should get. 

We love to be outside, and Tabs seems to love adventure so far, so we decided to get a toddler bike seat for the back our our bikes!  But, we have to make sure that she is safe, so we of course got her a bike helmet.  Amazingly there is a size that fits her.  So, as soon as it stops raining and we have a free weekend, we'll be out on the trails!  Watch out for us!

Modeling her new helmet

Sunday, April 22, 2012

A funny story

One of Tabitha's favorite teachers at daycare came up to me the other afternoon and had to share the funniest of stories.  She is not a regular teacher in Tabitha's room, but happened to be subbing in there the other day as one of the teachers had taken a vacation.  She was in the middle of changing a diaper when Tabitha came up to her with a book.  As we all know Tabitha loves her books and is not shy about asking you to read to her. 

Tabitha shows Ms. K. the book.
Ms. K: Tabitha, I'll read it to you in a minute, after I finish changing this diaper.
Tabitha shoves the book into Ms. K's leg
Ms. K:  Tabitha hold your ponies!

So, what does Tabitha do....she grabs the pony on top of her head.  Hahaha!  Okay, so I thought it was really funny.  So now I ask Tabitha to hold her ponies and she grabs her head. 

The pony (aka the sprout!)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Bath time

Miss Tabitha loves her bathtime.  It's something we are pretty sure that she looks forward to every other night.  She has so many bath toys that it makes for endless fun times.  Her new favorite toys are a set of letters and numbers.  They are foam and stick to the side of the bathtub.  She loves playing with them both in and out of the bathtub.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Post nap hangover

James took these photos after Tabitha woke up from her nap one day....I think they explain themselves.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Easter 2012

Last Sunday we celebrated Easter.  The morning started off with a small Easter egg hunt (held within the house).  We put just a few eggs out in easy view, and let Tabitha go at it.  She really liked the Elmo egg (ELMO!), and had fun asking everyone to open them up for her.  She even found a few treats in some of them.

After Tabitha's Easter egg hunt, she got dressed up in her beautiful Easter dress (and even posed for some pictures).

Then it was off to church that morning.  Tabitha loves music, and she was eagerly singing along to many of the songs.  She had fun everyone oohhing and aahhing over her and how beautiful she looked.  When we got home we were able to snap a few photos of her outside.

A pretty looking girl!

Cheesy smile!

Did you say barrette?
The rest of the day was spent with mommy and daddy and grandma and grandpa.  It was a fun day and we look forward to next year!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

A future forester??

We had a few trees taken down the other day in order to help in our "master landscaping plan".  I was a little nervous at first as they came during Tabitha's naptime as we happened to be home that day.  She actually slept right through them trimming the tree next to her window.  While the nap was shorter than normal, she wasn't phased by all of the people outside.  Instead, she ran from window to window watching them take down the trees, squealing and talking in delight.  It was the best entertainment!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

A morning at the Arboretum

Daycare was closed yesterday, so Tabs and I decided that we needed to get out of the house and head somewhere.  It had been nearly four months since we had been to the Arboretum.  Granted, there is a reason....there's not much growning in the middle of winter; however, it's still a great place to go for a walk.  I thought that it might be fun to go because every other place we have with a membership would be full of school kids out on spring break and I really didn't want to endure the crowd.

It was the perfect outing!  The weather was beautiful, we had the place to ourselves, and there were no tantrums involved.  I couldn't have asked for a better morning!

A beautiful spring morning!

A happy kiddo!

Pretending to be a red wing blackbird
Our red wing blackbird friend

Friday, April 6, 2012

Go Twins!  Good luck with the 2012 season.  Hoping that we get to go to a World Series game at Target Field in October.  What fun that would be!

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Tabitha is learning lots of new words these days.  While you may not always understand her, she keeps plugging away.  Some of her favorite words are:

Fre (for Fred)
All done
Plz (for please)
Wa-Wa (for water)
mi (trying to say mine)
Nigh-Nigh (for night-night)
Thk You (for thank you)

My favorites are "All Done" and "No".  She uses all done for lots of things, but the most amusing time she uses it is when she is done sleeping.  We'll hear her on the monitor or just in general saying all done.   All done, All Done, ALL DONE! 

My other favorite is No.  She is pretty good about not using it a lot (although I am sure that will change).  However, it's the way that Tabitha says No.  It's kind of a nasal sound and goes up in pitch as she says it.  Nooooooo.  I laugh every time!

I am sure I forgot some words, and before I know it I won't be able to keep up with all of them.  Until then we'll keep counting!