Friday, February 3, 2012

Sick little girl :(

Poor Tabs...I have decided that for the next few years we are skipping February 2.  There are two advantages to this:

1.  I will not get a year older.  It would be like having a leap year birthday!

2.  Maybe Tabs won't get sick.

The poor girl has gotten sick on my birthday now for the past two years.  Last year it was a case of RSV.  While RSV can be serious, it wasn't too bad for Tabs.  Just a little cuddling and loving was all that it took to get her better (okay, and maybe some medicine, too).  This year though was a different story.  My blog post on Monday showed you how crabby and "off" she was.  Well, it has all come together for us now why she was acting this way. 

To start from the beginning she has had a persistent cough for quite awhile.  Not unusual since she has had a few colds. But, because of some pink eye, we took her into the doctor a few weeks ago, where we addressed both her eye and her cough.  We got some antibiotics and thought we were good to go.  She finished her medicine last Saturday and her cough was nearly gone.  On Tuesday I got the dreaded call from daycare saying that Tabs has a fever and was falling asleep during playtime.  NOT GOOD!  We called the doctors office and talked to the nurse.  At that time they didn't ask to see her.  Well, finally yesterday our normal doctor called and wanted to see her ASAP.  By the end of the appointment we realized the little girl has pneumonia.

I have to say though that she's a tough little cookie.  She's been eating and drinking pretty normally.  Her play and silliness, while not quite to her normal level, is still pretty silly.

 Here's to hoping that she gets all of the way better soon!

Not feeling so good :(

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