Sunday, February 26, 2012

Last December during our massive snowstorm (you know the one that brought down the Metrodome ceiling?), my parents, sister and brother-in-law were in Hawaii enjoying the sunshine and warm weather.  When they came back they were nice enough to bring Tabitha a little Hawaiian dress.  Being the petite thing that she is, the 12-month size dress didn't fit when she was 12 months old, so we held off on wearing it.

This winter at daycare they have "beach" week, so I decided that it was perfect time for Tabitha to start wearing the dress.  Of course, since it is winter, I had to pair it with an undershirt and pants, but I think she still looks cute anyways...don't you?!
Tabitha...finally standing still!

Hey...I can see myself in the camera!

I'm cute and I know it!

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