Monday, February 20, 2012

A lazy Sunday afternoon

In case I haven't mentioned, the weather this weather has been phenomenal.  As a skier it's a little disappointing to see so little snow; however, it's been great not to have to drive in it.  Tabitha's going to start thinking that every winter in Minnesota is this way.

Yesterday, after Tabitha woke up from her nap, we decided to go outside and let her run off some energy.  The thermometer said 45 degrees in the shade, so what a perfect reason to get outside.  James took the camera out and hoped to get a few pictures as the sun was perfect for an outdoor photo shoot.  However, as I am sure you probably understand, getting an 18 month old to stand still (especially when the reason you've taken her outside is to run off energy) is no small feat.  We did manage to get a few photos though....

We started the photo shoot inside.

Trying to be silly with the neighbors.

Hat hair!

James' masterpiece...could she get any cuter???

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