Sunday, August 5, 2012

Tabs' birthday

What a fantastic day we had yesterday.  With a change in plans, James was able to be around to celebrate with us.  We spent the morning at the arboretum and then spent the rest of the day celebrating at home.  Despite the fact that Tabitha didn't have a nap, she had a fantastic day and seemed to enjoy every moment of it.

Smelling the flowers at the arboretum.  The place was virtually empty and it was a beautiful, cool morning to go for a stroll.

Taking a snack break with mommy

Despite no afternoon nap, our little model held still for just a few moments in order to capture some photos as a new two year old.

Professional or James photography

Our little model with gorgeous blue eyes and little curls.

Elmo cupcakes!

Definitely a much better reaction to the cupcake than last year's meltdown!

With a little egging on by grandma, the frosting went all over the face

A final picture of the night.  Happy 2nd birthday Tabitha!

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