Saturday, August 4, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday Tabitha!

At 7:49 a.m. this morning my little baby will turn 2!  Can you believe it?  I surely cannot.  I guess she is no longer a baby at this point.  We've definitely hit the toddler stage and all of the good (and not so good) things that come with it.  The past two years have just flown by and my love for Tabitha grows each day.  There are days that are challenging and seem to never end, but as someone once told me the days are long, but the years are short.  How true is that!  Happy birthday Tabitha!  You are a blessing and definitely complete our family.  I love you!

13 months--With Fred in a box

14 months--Walking!

15 months--Getting ready for Winter

16 months--I'm ready for Santa

17 months--Hi!

18 months--Daddy, I love you!

19 months--Showing off her personality

20 months--A girly girl to the core.

21 months--Loving her "babies"

22 months--Rockin' the curls

23 months--On yet another adventure to Canada

23 months and 28 days--Beautiful girl!

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