Friday, August 31, 2012

Elmo book

Tabitha is obsessed with Elmo.  We did the Elmo cupcakes for her birthday and have gotten her numerous Elmo books.  I noticed the other day at daycare it was the Elmo that she picked up to play with first.

In an effort to keep her busy while James and I were working on something, we decided to download a Sesame Street episode onto my iPad.  Well, that did the trick...Tabs loves her Sesame Street (also known as the Elmo book around here) .  She had watched that same episode so many times that she should by now know the letter W.  If it were a VHS tape, I am sure that the thing would be worn out.

Sometimes you just need a distraction to keep them occupied (although now I have to keep the iPad hidden so that she doesn't want to watch all of the time--which she would if we let her).  

Sunday, August 26, 2012

My Prima Ballerina

The other day Tabitha decided that she was going to dress up in her leotard, tutu and fancy hairbow.  She had a lot of fun pretending she was a ballerina as she spun circles and did the snake dance.  Later in the day we needed to run some errands and she wanted to keep the ensemble on.  While I was game for it, it was about 65 degrees out....of all the hot days we've had this summer she wears this on the coldest one.  Needless to say I was the mean mom and did not allow her to wear it out.  Maybe another day.

Tabs and her baby

Posing like a ballerina

Cheese...I'm so cute!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Please stay tuned for more Tabitha updates...unfortunately over the past week I haven't been able to upload pictures.  More to come soon!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

A trip to Chuck E. Cheese

Tabitha had her first Chuck E. Cheese adventure this past week.  After a fantastic first dental visit for Tabitha we met up with grandma and grandpa for some fun and pizza.  Being early Wednesday night in the summer it wasn't too busy; however, by the time we left it was hopping with a rather large birthday party just starting to show up.

We ended up sticking to the toddler rides and once Tabitha got the hang of it she had a fantastic time.  I was a little nervous about leaving, but she did a good job and left without making a scene.  I am sure this will be the first of many adventures to Chuck E. Cheese!

Figuring out how to make the Barney train go.

This was Tabitha's favorite ride.  It went up in the air when you pedelled.  Since Tabs was too short to pedal, grandma did all of the work.

Having LOTS of fun!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Snow White

One of my dad's co-workers has two that they've grown up some, they've been nice enough to give my dad some stuff for Tabitha.  One of them was a Snow White costume.  Tabitha loves wearing it. 

A few weeks ago we ended up at Toys 'R Us looking for Cabbage Patch Doll clothes.  As we were strollling around the store I turned around to see Tabitha not holding her "baby" she brought with into the store, but rather a new doll....which of course, if you haven't guess by now, was a Snow White doll.  Daddy (and he knows this) gave in and let her keep the doll.

I guess it was meant to be.

Monday, August 6, 2012

State Park Adventure #6

Our goal is to take Tabitha to all of the Minnesota State Parks.  So, in late July we ventured to the closest one...Fort Snelling State Park.  It's a gem of a park hidden just 10 minutes from our house.  It's noisy as it's in the path of the airport, but wonderful none the less.  It was a fantastic way to wrap up our weekend.


Getting ready to hit the beach!

Took awhile to get this shot....some toddler kept moving too much :)

Getting ready to go in with daddy!


This is great! There even were fish.

One last stroll before we left for the day

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Tabs' birthday

What a fantastic day we had yesterday.  With a change in plans, James was able to be around to celebrate with us.  We spent the morning at the arboretum and then spent the rest of the day celebrating at home.  Despite the fact that Tabitha didn't have a nap, she had a fantastic day and seemed to enjoy every moment of it.

Smelling the flowers at the arboretum.  The place was virtually empty and it was a beautiful, cool morning to go for a stroll.

Taking a snack break with mommy

Despite no afternoon nap, our little model held still for just a few moments in order to capture some photos as a new two year old.

Professional or James photography

Our little model with gorgeous blue eyes and little curls.

Elmo cupcakes!

Definitely a much better reaction to the cupcake than last year's meltdown!

With a little egging on by grandma, the frosting went all over the face

A final picture of the night.  Happy 2nd birthday Tabitha!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday Tabitha!

At 7:49 a.m. this morning my little baby will turn 2!  Can you believe it?  I surely cannot.  I guess she is no longer a baby at this point.  We've definitely hit the toddler stage and all of the good (and not so good) things that come with it.  The past two years have just flown by and my love for Tabitha grows each day.  There are days that are challenging and seem to never end, but as someone once told me the days are long, but the years are short.  How true is that!  Happy birthday Tabitha!  You are a blessing and definitely complete our family.  I love you!

13 months--With Fred in a box

14 months--Walking!

15 months--Getting ready for Winter

16 months--I'm ready for Santa

17 months--Hi!

18 months--Daddy, I love you!

19 months--Showing off her personality

20 months--A girly girl to the core.

21 months--Loving her "babies"

22 months--Rockin' the curls

23 months--On yet another adventure to Canada

23 months and 28 days--Beautiful girl!