Sunday, February 26, 2012

Last December during our massive snowstorm (you know the one that brought down the Metrodome ceiling?), my parents, sister and brother-in-law were in Hawaii enjoying the sunshine and warm weather.  When they came back they were nice enough to bring Tabitha a little Hawaiian dress.  Being the petite thing that she is, the 12-month size dress didn't fit when she was 12 months old, so we held off on wearing it.

This winter at daycare they have "beach" week, so I decided that it was perfect time for Tabitha to start wearing the dress.  Of course, since it is winter, I had to pair it with an undershirt and pants, but I think she still looks cute anyways...don't you?!
Tabitha...finally standing still!

Hey...I can see myself in the camera!

I'm cute and I know it!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ribbons...that has become Tabs new obsession.  Sometimes on weekends when James is gone (and well, sometimes on weekends he is home), Tabs is sent to the bathroom with me so that I can take a shower.  While she likes to put her hands in the shower and see how wet she can get, she has managed to find where my old ribbons are at.  So, to keep herself occupied she drapes as many as she can around her neck and prances through the bathroom. 

It keeps her entertained and out of the trash (we have yet to "toddler" proof our bathroom), while I can shower...a win-win for both parties involved!

Monday, February 20, 2012

A lazy Sunday afternoon

In case I haven't mentioned, the weather this weather has been phenomenal.  As a skier it's a little disappointing to see so little snow; however, it's been great not to have to drive in it.  Tabitha's going to start thinking that every winter in Minnesota is this way.

Yesterday, after Tabitha woke up from her nap, we decided to go outside and let her run off some energy.  The thermometer said 45 degrees in the shade, so what a perfect reason to get outside.  James took the camera out and hoped to get a few pictures as the sun was perfect for an outdoor photo shoot.  However, as I am sure you probably understand, getting an 18 month old to stand still (especially when the reason you've taken her outside is to run off energy) is no small feat.  We did manage to get a few photos though....

We started the photo shoot inside.

Trying to be silly with the neighbors.

Hat hair!

James' masterpiece...could she get any cuter???

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The dolls

Tabitha has really gotten into her "dolls" lately.  She loves carrying them around, playing with them, and of course taking them to bed with her.  I have a true girly girl on my hands here (although she does love playing cars). 

Her dolls were cold, so they needed a blanket.

All smiles with her dolls in hand.  Her curly hair is apparent here!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Fred's strange addiction

Have you seen that TV show on TLC called "My Strange Addiction"?  I've only seen advertisements for it, I haven't watched it because it just kind of grosses me out.  Well, Fred has a strange addiction.  He's obsessed with licking the curtains.  He hasn't done it for awhile, but I was able to catch him in the act the other day.  I guess he's doing his part to make the house spic and span.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Feeling better!

Tabs finally started feeling better this past Monday.  By Tuesday, at her doctor's appointment, all signs of her pneumonia were gone!  Here's to no more illnesses for a long time.

Giving you my cheesy grin!


Saturday, February 11, 2012

The first haircut

Yep, we finally did it...18 months and Miss Tabitha finally got her first haircut.  James got his haircut earlier in the evening and on a whim we decided to get Miss Tabitha's done as well, especially since James' favorite stylist was working.  Much to our amazement she did fantastic, and like a true girl she even seemed to enjoy it. 

Before....Tabitha is not sure what to think about this, but this gal must be good...Daddy says so!

During...sitting very still, just wondering where her curls are going.

All done!  This was fun...when can we do it again??

Thanks Gayle!  You did a great job!!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Eighteen is...

-The number of seconds Tabitha sits still for
-The number of times Tabitha pets Fred and tries to give him kisses in a day
-The number of times in a row that we sometimes have to read "Animals A to Z"
-The number of times that Tabitha likes to push buttons on her toys in a row (she hasn't quite realized that she only has to push them once)
-The number of times she says "more" in a day
-And of course...the number of months old Miss Tabitha is!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Sick little girl :(

Poor Tabs...I have decided that for the next few years we are skipping February 2.  There are two advantages to this:

1.  I will not get a year older.  It would be like having a leap year birthday!

2.  Maybe Tabs won't get sick.

The poor girl has gotten sick on my birthday now for the past two years.  Last year it was a case of RSV.  While RSV can be serious, it wasn't too bad for Tabs.  Just a little cuddling and loving was all that it took to get her better (okay, and maybe some medicine, too).  This year though was a different story.  My blog post on Monday showed you how crabby and "off" she was.  Well, it has all come together for us now why she was acting this way. 

To start from the beginning she has had a persistent cough for quite awhile.  Not unusual since she has had a few colds. But, because of some pink eye, we took her into the doctor a few weeks ago, where we addressed both her eye and her cough.  We got some antibiotics and thought we were good to go.  She finished her medicine last Saturday and her cough was nearly gone.  On Tuesday I got the dreaded call from daycare saying that Tabs has a fever and was falling asleep during playtime.  NOT GOOD!  We called the doctors office and talked to the nurse.  At that time they didn't ask to see her.  Well, finally yesterday our normal doctor called and wanted to see her ASAP.  By the end of the appointment we realized the little girl has pneumonia.

I have to say though that she's a tough little cookie.  She's been eating and drinking pretty normally.  Her play and silliness, while not quite to her normal level, is still pretty silly.

 Here's to hoping that she gets all of the way better soon!

Not feeling so good :(