Monday, January 16, 2012

My little toddler

So, what's new with Tabitha you ask?  About a month ago she moved up to the "Pooh" room at daycare.  The Pooh room is for the toddler ages 16 to 29 months (approximately).  While that may not seem like a big age gap it seems like it right now.

While you have to be a proficient walker to enter the Pooh room, that's about the one thing they have in common.  In Tabitha's case, the rest of her classmates are all 2+ years old already and they are all about one head taller than she is.  It means she gets a lot of attention from her teachers, but it also means that the rest of classmates think that she is their doll to take and do what they please.  While it's cute at first, Tabitha does get annoyed.  There's no doubt about this girl...she likes her independence and is not about to let someone a year older than her do whatever they want to her. 

In addition, most of these kids have more than the three or four words that Tabitha possesses in her vocabulary.  Just because Tabitha can't talk doesn't mean that she can't follow directions.  She is very good about listening and following directions about 85% of the time (I would say that's good for a toddler).  It still amazes me what she understands.  I can ask her to pick up her books and she will.  I can ask her to put her cup back in the kitchen and she will.  Yesterday I was teaching her how to do laundry (she's really good at putting things in her laundry basket).  Her teachers even comment on her listening skills.  Let's hope that she keeps this up!

All in all Tabitha loves her new classroom, and in a year, when she's ready to become a "Tigger", I'll be looking at all of the younger kids and wondering what happened to the time when Tabitha was that age!

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