Saturday, January 14, 2012

Miss Independent

As I watch Tabitha learn and try new things, several things have dawned on me:

Learning how to brush her own teeth. Trust me...
she does not like to give up on this one!
1.  Kids keep trying.  I find it amazing to watch Tabitha learn new things.  Perhaps it's her personality, but it seems true with a lot of kids...they just keep trying until they learn something.  I think that as adults someones we try something once and if we don't succeed we automatically give up on it.  Kids are completely opposite...most of the time they keep working on something until they learn it.  I suppose if they didn't we would never move past the infant stages in life.  But I wonder what happens between childhood and adulthood that makes us give up more easily.  Watching Tabitha reminds me that I should never give up on things.

2.  Kids move to their own beat.  As you know by now Tabitha loves to dance.  She dances to anything and doesn't have a care in the world about what she looks like when she's dancing.  Sometimes at church she claps her hands after a song is done.  Tabitha likes to do what makes her happy.  She doesn't care if she looks silly or if it isn't quite right.  Once again, I wonder what happens to make us change....from the kid that moves to their own beat to the adult that has to be like everyone else.  I hope that Tabitha remembers it is okay to be herself, and I hope as a parent that I can help to nuture her interests in things that make her happy.

Pulling "Ali" the alligator around the kitchen.

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