Sunday, December 18, 2011

A trip to Elf-land

Yesterday (yes, I am really writing about something that happened yesterday...hard to believe, I know), Tabitha, James and I went to the downtown Macy's store to see their 8th floor display. Each year at Christmastime they deck it out with a fun display. This year the theme was "A Day in the Life of an Elf". Tabitha enjoyed walking around and looking at the moving figures.
After the elf-land display, we had the chance to meet Santa. I was a little leary about this because my plan had been to let Tabitha watch Santa from a distance, then gradually get closer as we would wait in line. We just knew that it wouldn't be as easy as last year, when she didn't care who she was held by. Because we went so early on Saturday morning, there wasn't a line, but it was also a "surprise" to see he was waiting from behind a curtain. Which, I have to say is nice, because the whole world isn't watching you then. So, we entered. Tabitha immediately squirmed to get out of my hands. We decided to sit by Santa for a few seconds, and then eventually put her on Santa's lap. As you can see from the photo she didn't really care for it. The plus-side...she wasn't screaming like some kids. We decided to get a photo to capture the day!
Waiting for Santa

Meeting the guy in the red suit

Finally, to wrap up the day we watched a puppet show, which Tabitha LOVED! As her teachers at daycare tell us, she does great just sitting during music time, but I didn't know how she would do with a bunch of other fidgety kids. James got on the floor with her and they had a blast! For a 25 minute show she didn't make a peep or fidget.

Overall it was a great do we know...Tabitha fell asleep on the way home!

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