Monday, December 26, 2011

Tabitha's 2nd Christmas

It's hard to believe that we have already had Tabitha's second Christmas.  I now understand why people would always say that the time goes so quickly.  It's seems not that long ago that it was Tabitha's first Christmas.

Tabitha had a fantastic day yesterday.  While I was thinking that she would grasp the concept more of opening gifts (instead she liked to just put them back under the tree!), we still had a great time. 

Here's a recap of Tab's Christmas weekend:
We started Christmas Eve off at the zoo.  As you can see, Tabitha is dressed appropriately with her zoo shirt on!

We then got dressed for church.

We prepared for Santa to arrive.  After everything was just right, Tabitha went to bed.

Tabitha awoke to lots of presents under the Christmas tree!

Time to open gifts!  Tabitha still didn't really get to tear at the wrapping paper, so mom and dad had to help a lot.  Many times she also insisted on putting the gifts back under the tree. 

When she had opend her last gift she gave Fred a big hug and a kiss.  We think that she liked her Cabbage Patch doll and the craddle for it; however, at the time she insisted that it was meant for her to sit in.  So, for the time being, mom and dad decided that because it requires adult supervision (in case she keeps crawling in it) that this gift would be put away for a later time.

Tabitha also got to do a lot of other fun things on Christmas Day, she....

-Skyped with her grandparents from Indiana.  You have to love the technology because even though they are many miles away they got to watch Tabitha open her Christmas gift from them and play with it.

-Tabitha played outside.  Instead of playing in the snow and making a snowman, she ran around in the grass and kicked the soccer ball in the 40 degree weather.  I reminded her that this rarely happens!

-Went over to her Minnesota grandparents house for dinner and opening Christmas gifts there, too. 

-While at the grandparents house her Auntie Abby called from Prague wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.  Again...amazing how wonderful technology is that we can talk with our loved ones halfway across the world!

All in all, it was a FANTASTIC day for Tabitha!

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