Saturday, December 10, 2011

Ready for winter!

Tabitha is getting used to bundling up for winter these days. Last year it was fairly easy because we were just able to keep her in her car seat, and put blankets over her to keep her warm. Now that she's not in her bucket car seat any more, and we have to physically take her out of the car seat, she needs the whole gammet of clothing.

While we were smart last year to buy clothes on clearance at the end of the season, we misjudged her sizing for this year. We bought 18 month jackets thinking that they would be fairly close to fitting this year. Wrong....because she's barely wearing a size 12 month, we had to get her a new jacket. (The good news is that the 12 month size snowsuit we bought last year for $5 fits and she can now wear it!).

The one accessory she truly enjoys putting fact Tabitha begs to have it put on, is her hat. As you can see by the picture, it's all about the kitty. It's cute how she'll just walk around the house with it on. Hopefully, someday when she's a teenager, she'll enjoy wearing hats as much as she does now (okay, probably not, but I can wish!).

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