Saturday, July 23, 2011

How hot is it?

Summer is here with a vengeance. It's been really hot and humid lately. How hot you may ask? Well, here's you go....

-The temperature on my run at 5:00 a.m. on Tuesday was 80. The heat index at that time was 91.
-Power outages everywhere from all of the air conditioners running.
-The inside temperature of the house at 75 seems cold.
-Roads are buckling everywhere.
-Construction workers on jobs have that have to be finished are being sent home early because of the heat (although after being in one of the buildings where they were sent home, I see why).
-Set a record for highest dewpoint: 82 degrees
-Set a record for highest heat index: 118 degrees

An interesting stat for you: The coldest windchill this year was -44. The highest heat index for this year was 118. That makes a drastic 162 degree different. I love Minnesota....when does winter arrive?

Here's how Tabitha chooses to cool off.

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