Friday, May 6, 2011

The magical laughing book

This book (thanks Tina!) has magical laughing spells that only come out at certain times....usually not at the most appropriate times, either. The past few weeks at church I've taken this book for Tabitha to read. See, it's not that funny of a book when we are at home; however, when it comes out at church, it has magical laughing spells it puts on babies.

The first time I showed it to her at church it was during the sermon. Yes, it was quiet, it was Palm Sunday, and there she was laughing up a storm because of this book. This past week I took it again to church (mainly to see if it was really that funny). Sure enough, during the children's sermon this time (so thankfully it wasn't as quiet), the book's magical laughing spells came out again.

At least I am surrounded by people with other kids, so they think it is rather amusing as she begins to giggle away.

1 comment:

Tean said...

I'm glad that she is enjoying it so much and that she laughs in church. Blaine has been squealing during church and continues singing long after the music has stopped. We are going to try to go to 7:30 Mass tomorrow and there are rarely any kids there so I'm sure everyone will know it's him if he sings!