Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Canada geese are annoying. They are everywhere, they are messy, and they are just plain mean...especially when they have their little goslings by them. But, there was a moment the other day when I felt bad for them. I am not sure what they were thinking, but obviously humans were interferring with their intentions.

I was driving back to work from a meeting in downtown Minneapolis along I-394. For those of you who don't live in Minnesota, this is a busy, busy freeway area. About halfway back to the office I noticed flashing lights and thought there was just a stalled car, someone that got pulled over, or something other random. As I got closer and closer I finally noticed that a mama, dada, and baby goose family was walking as fast as they could along the shoulder of the freeway....the inner shoulder of the freeway next to the median. It was at that moment, as a mother, all I could think about was that poor goose family.

I don't know what happened, nor am I likely never to know what happened. I hope it was all good. With a FIRST response truck helping them along I am hoping for the best....even if they are annoying birds.....

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