Friday, October 22, 2010

Time flies. It's amazing how quickly nearly 12 weeks have gone. It's back to work on the 27th, and I have a mixture of emotions about it.

I am happy and excited. I love my job, despite some of the challenges that come along with it. My boss and co-workers are fabulous and I am looking forward to the adult interaction again. I love being home with Tabitha, but at the same time, I love my job.

I am nervous. Why? I don't know why to tell you exactly. I have been working in this job for 8 years and yet as I think about going back I am nearly as nervous about it as I was on Day 1. I don't think the nerves have to do with the job, but rather about how life will again be different as I settle back into work again.

I am also sad. I have spent the past 12 weeks bonding with Tabitha. She knows me and I know her. I can walk into a room or just talk to her and she knows me and gives me the biggest smile. She's hit several developmental milestones. I will miss all of this bonding time.

So, with all of this spinning around in my head, it's no wonder that I don't sleep much at night (Miss Tabitha sleeps fine though). I know it will all work out and going back to work is going to be the best for both of us!

Photos by daddy

1 comment:

Tean said...

It is really hard the first few weeks. I still call a few times a week just to check...but it gets easier!