Wednesday, October 20, 2010


It's hard to believe that Miss Tabitha is 11 weeks old already. Where does the time go? She is learning so many new things all of the time, that if you don't see her for a week, I am sure that it seems like she has changed so much.

This past week we hit a new milestone. Tabitha's head control has been getting better by the day. So, during daily "tummy time" we tried to have her use her arms to lift her head and chest off the floor. In the past we have failed miserably as she opted to move her arms out to her side and go for the beached whale look. However, on Monday, she decided that she was ready to use her arms. It was so fun to see her do this new "trick". The only downside is that she was trying to use her legs as well, which can only mean one thing...crawling. Once that happens, life will no longer be quite as simple--at least it is probably a little ways off before that starts (or so mommy is hoping!).

A bit blurry, but she's working hard with her arms (and of course her tongue).


Tean said...

Don't worry, she will wiggle on the floor for awhile yet.

Elise said...

Yeah, I know it will be awhile before she crawls, but I am already thinking about how I will be chasing her throughout the house. she will be chasing Fred everywhere :)