Sunday, October 17, 2010

War wounds

I think every parent dreads the two month doctor's visit. Tabitha's was two weeks ago. James and I were nervous about she growing enough, is she healthy, how will she do with her shots. We manage to come out a little less stressed knowing that our baby is doing just fine.

Tabitha is average for length (this definitely comes from daddy's side of the family and NOT from mommy); and she weighs in at 9 pounds, 1 ounce. No wonder we are only growing out of newborn clothes and diapers now and not several weeks ago. I won't complain though. She's healthy, happy, and the doctor thinks she is doing great!

The dreaded shots also happened that day. We are definitely advocates for getting her vaccinations. There are too many weird things out there for her to get. Tabitha got three shots in her legs. She did cry (we would have been more worried if she hadn't cried), but quickly calmed down after eating. In fact...she gave the receptionist a big smile on her way out.

Right after we got home. The shots didn't seem to bother her.

Later on in the day. I don't think she was unhappy about her shots, but rather the diaper change.


Tean said...

What a cute crying face! I can't get a picture of Blaine crying...everytime I try he stops when i take his picture.

Elise said...

Haha! Blaine has learned about the paparazzi! I think it will only be a matter of time before Tabitha learns to stop crying for the camera. In fact, she did so yesterday.