Thursday, April 17, 2014

Tabitha learned one of life's lessons tonight...something she's been doing a lot lately.  The other day it was that if you fall off your bike, then you have to get back on and try again.  That was a lesson I expected her to have to learn at this age.  Tonight's lesson however was that it's okay not to be perfect in life.  This was a lesson I was hoping we didn't have to encounter until she was a bit older but I should have known it was going to be sooner rather than later.

Over the weekend she received some great new books that are teaching her how to spell.  She's literally only been working on these words for three days now.  Words such as cat and mat.  So when she got one wrong tonight we spent nearly 30 minutes trying to calm her down from a meltdown she had about not getting it right (yes, there were a few other factors contributing to her meltdown).  On my attempt to calm her down I had to tell her that it's okay not to be perfect and that everyone makes mistakes...that I make mistakes everyday and that the important thing is that she learns from them.  

Time will tell if this sinks in with matter what though, she'll always be my little girl and I'll love her with every ounce of energy I have whether she's perfect or not.

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