Friday, January 31, 2014

Mondays and Wednesdays have been structured for us during my maternity leave, as these are the days that Tabs goes to school.  So after we drop Tabs off, then Jake and I join the senior citizens at the mall so that we can get some walking in since it's way too cold outside.

So when the pink in Tabitha's eye that we had noticed on Tuesday evening had not subsided by Wednesday morning (we didn't think much at first because we've all had colds and our eyes have been a bit bloodshot because of it), I knew that school was a no-go.  However, because we've been so cooped up this winter because of the extremely cold weather, I figured out a way that I could take both of the kids to the mall so that I could walk (if you are asking, I strapped Jake into the Baby Bjorn and Tabs was in the stroller--we don't own a double stroller and I have no desire to have one either).  During our last lap it was about the time that the stores were opening, so Tabs asked if we could go to the Disney store to look around.  Little did she know that it would be her special day.

Somehow I managed our walk to end at the Disney store right at 10 a.m.  The lady standing outside at the store, who I figured was just welcoming people, asked if Tabitha would like to help open the store.  I said of course (I  mean did she see Tabitha's snow boots with Disney princesses on it...duh...she would love to do this.).  And wow...she had a blast, and in the end even got her own key to the Disney store.  Guess that made up for not being able to go to school and I'm sure she won't stop talking about it.

Listening to what she was supposed to do

Clapping for Tinkerbell to bring the key

Turning the key

So excited to have her own key to the store!

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