Friday, January 31, 2014

Mondays and Wednesdays have been structured for us during my maternity leave, as these are the days that Tabs goes to school.  So after we drop Tabs off, then Jake and I join the senior citizens at the mall so that we can get some walking in since it's way too cold outside.

So when the pink in Tabitha's eye that we had noticed on Tuesday evening had not subsided by Wednesday morning (we didn't think much at first because we've all had colds and our eyes have been a bit bloodshot because of it), I knew that school was a no-go.  However, because we've been so cooped up this winter because of the extremely cold weather, I figured out a way that I could take both of the kids to the mall so that I could walk (if you are asking, I strapped Jake into the Baby Bjorn and Tabs was in the stroller--we don't own a double stroller and I have no desire to have one either).  During our last lap it was about the time that the stores were opening, so Tabs asked if we could go to the Disney store to look around.  Little did she know that it would be her special day.

Somehow I managed our walk to end at the Disney store right at 10 a.m.  The lady standing outside at the store, who I figured was just welcoming people, asked if Tabitha would like to help open the store.  I said of course (I  mean did she see Tabitha's snow boots with Disney princesses on it...duh...she would love to do this.).  And wow...she had a blast, and in the end even got her own key to the Disney store.  Guess that made up for not being able to go to school and I'm sure she won't stop talking about it.

Listening to what she was supposed to do

Clapping for Tinkerbell to bring the key

Turning the key

So excited to have her own key to the store!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Happy 2 month birthday Jacob!  Sorry we had to celebrate the day with shots.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Another milestone to mark in the baby book...Jakes first time rolling over!

He's mighty proud of himself!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

It's been a very cold winter so far in Minnesota...the coldest in several decades the weather people are saying.  With that said we have had to become creative on the days where there is no question about whether we will be going outside or not.  On one cold day recently, here's some of the activities we did.

Playing dress up and make believe

Making crafts (an ice fishing craft) and playing with Fred
Smiling (and what I didn't realize earlier is that Tabitha photo bombed this one)

Working on our alphabet and spelling skills


Playing and creating with magnets

Playing in her tent

Playing piano
Trying to cheer Jake up when he was sad

Practicing yoga (or just being silly)


Drying apples for homemade dried fruit

Just plain creating a mess!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Try and guess what he's thinking!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Warm smiles on a very, very cold day!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Any similarities???

I've been trying to figure out if there are any similarities between the two kids.  Both of these pictures were taken at about 6 weeks.  They aren't the best, but I think it's fun that they are both in their stroller when I took the picture.

Tabitha--September 2010

Jacob--January 2014

Saturday, January 18, 2014

A few weeks ago our good friends were in town and we were looking for something to do on a Saturday afternoon.  I believe Tabitha's choice was to go sledding, but she had to settle for the dog show instead.  I still think that she had a good time!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Looking forward to many more of these in the upcoming days, weeks, months and years!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Why children need pets

My aunt sent me an email the other day about why children need pets.  The email was filled with lots of fun pictures of kids with their pets.  That email inspired me to look at my photos and see what fun pictures I have of the kids with Fred.  Here's what I found....
A pet to check things out and make sure the bouncy seat is safe
A pet to do diaper patrol
A pet to keep your legs warm.

A pet to snuggle with

A pet to nap with ( they aren't napping here together but were a little earlier)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Do you think these two are related?

My grandmother once said that sleeping like this was a sign of contentment.  Like brother!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

After putting away the maternity clothes, digging out clothes that haven't seen the light of day in about 9 months, cleaning years of Fred fur and dust off of the bathroom light fixture, I stopped to lay down on the bed and see how Jacob was doing.  He  was awake, and seemed content  just looking around at what the world (or at least the bedroom) had to offer him.  The moment I laid down he turned his head towards me and smiled.  His first real smile.  It was in that second that I melted and for the next 20 minutes we both just laid on the bed and stared at each other.

During our 20 peaceful minutes (Tabs is at school today), I was reminded of something I pinned on Pinterest the other day.

Dear Mama, Babies Don't Keep.
You cannot get this day back.
You will never have this moment again.
Firsts only happen once.
At some point he will be too big to “wear.”
He will not always wake up every hour.
The ”brand new” scent only lasts for a bit.  
His squeal will soon become words.
His gums will soon sprout teeth.
Tantrums make funny stories.
Tiptoeing into your bed in the middle of the night is just a phase
Sooner or later he will stop holding your hand in public.
Someday he will call you Mom instead of Mama.
Sometimes I get so caught up with thinking about what needs to be done, what's happening at the office, what will I make the family for dinner, how dirty the house is, wondering why my 3 year old can't do a simple task I ask her to do without a tantrum, how I would organize the house if I ever had a free moment again, wondering what happened to my simple life, multi-tasking every moment that I get, that I have forgotten how quickly this time goes.  Tabitha is no longer a baby or a toddler...she's a preschooler, and Jacob, while still new, is already five weeks old.  Time flies...people always say that, but it's not until it's too late that I think we finally figure it out. 

At some point I started to cry...all of those hormones that I thought had gone away were back and it was then that I finally made a resolution for 2014.  For 2014 I resolve to live in the moment and to cherish every moment with my children (even when they are pressing every button).  It will be too soon that they will be out of the house and on their own.  I resolve to spend more time one on one with Tabitha and Jacob, while not doing other things.  I resolve to spend more quality time with my husband, instead of wondering what's happening in the Facebook world.  And, I resolve that while doing all of these things with my family that I will not feel guilty about the house that didn't get cleaned or the organizing that didn't get done or the deadlines that are looming at the office. 

Here's to 2014!


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tabitha's 3 year photos

I just realized I never put up pictures from  Tabitha's 3 year are some of my favorites!  It was a warm day but we had a lot of fun.

Monday, January 6, 2014

We ❤️ Minnesota

It's cold and that's all I have to say!

This was at Jacob's bedtime last night.

This was during my workout this morning (don't worry I biked INSIDE).

Ohhhhh....a heat wave!

Jacob's thoughts about this weather!