Sunday, November 11, 2012

Swimming Lessons (Take 2)

Yesterday was the end of another round of swimming lessons with Tabitha.  We signed her up when she was about 6 months old, but didn't re-enroll her in lessons again until this fall.  I was a bit worried about it because whenever we would go to the splashpad she seemed a bit fearful of the water.  Not much, but just enough to get me a bit anxious about this.

It turns out that I had nothing to worry about.  She has enjoyed the past 8 weeks and has made great progress.  She loves to blow bubbles (and now can successfully do this without swallowing the water), does great floating on her back, and definitely loves to kick, kick, kick!  She is the only kid in the class that sings the songs out loud, too.

It looks like we'll be signing her up again soon!

Before lessons...loving the water!

Showing off her kicking skills

Tick-tock...her favorite part about lessons (and a great arm workout for her parents)

Kicking some more!

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