Saturday, November 10, 2012

Princess dress up

For several weeks at school, Tabitha kept trying to convince her teachers that she was going to be a princess for Halloween.  I was a bit nervous when we took out the elephant costume, but she enjoyed that too.  As I told a co-worker of mine this, she suggested that I go to Target after Halloween and get a princess costume on clearance.  Duh??!!  Why didn't I think of this.  I am queen of the after Christmas clearance sales, so this only made perfect sense.

Last Saturday Tabitha and I ventured to Target.  Not thinking they would have much left after being crowded out  by Christmas stuff, I was pleasantly surprised to find a whole aisle still of costumes.  It was quite messy, but still they were there.  We searched and searched and found a cute costume for Tabitha for more than 50% off.  We came home and she immediately wanted it on.  She proceeded to wear it around the house for the rest of the day and she even wore it on her daddy-daughter date to the Mall of America that night (Yes, you can only imagine the oohs and aahs that James got taking her around).

The next day James scouted out Babies 'R Us and found a few other costumes including Tinkerbell and a ladybug.  Needless to say, Tabitha is in dress-up heaven!

On her date night with daddy!

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