Friday, November 30, 2012

Several months ago I was at the grocery store.  It was after work, a nice day, and I was trying to get in and out with Tabs.  As I was wondering the produce section something grabbed Tabitha's attention.  It was a pink reusable bag with princesses on it.  So, I wondered over expecting the tantrum to ensue after I told her no.  However, as I began to look at it, the bag was fairly good quality, had something Tabitha liked and was only $1.50. could I go wrong.

Let me tell you was one of the best things I've ever bought for $1.50.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Here is a clip of one of my favorite moments from this past weekend....

Sunday, November 25, 2012


One day after church I decided to get a pedicure, which meant that it was daddy in charge!  He decided that they needed to get out of the house, but knowing that our aquarium membership had expired, we had just been to the zoo, and it was a bit cool out for the arboretum, they ended up at IKEA.  One of his co-workers said it as a great place to let the kids run out their energy.

I think Tabs had a good time.....

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Singing in the Rain

A few weeks ago we got up and ready for swimming lessons.  As we went off to the pool it was rainy and foggy.  Knowing that we would only be going from the car to the building I didn't think about putting on Tabitha's rain jacket...just a normal jacket would do the trick.

As we came home from the pool it was still overcast out.  I promised Tabitha after lunch and a nap that would get all dressed up in our rain jacket and rain boots and play outside.  As Tabitha's afternoon nap stretched out for awhile, the rain and fog disappeared and out come the sun and 60 degree weather (yes, it does get warm here in November occasionally).

I tried to persuade Tabs that we didn't need a jacket once we finally got out to play, but she insisted....

Friday, November 23, 2012

Smellin' the coffee

At least one of us in our household drinks coffee.  I am not saying who, but I am pretty sure if you know either James or I that you know who.

There are days that Tabs will be sitting in her high chair eating breakfast or just hanging out with us.  On the rare occasion that all of us can be together from breakfast, Tabs will make sure she gets a good whiff of the coffee.  She seems to enjoy it and I am sure it's only a matter of time (not yet though...don't want to stunt her growth) that she'll be indulging in it as well.

Checking it out
This stuff isn't bad!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our family and friends!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

The ABCs

It isn't perfect yet, but not bad for my 27 month old!

Monday, November 12, 2012

A need for fancy purses

The other day we were at the mall eating dinner because the electricity at our house had gone out (thank you telephone company for that one).  As we were there we decided to stroll around the mall and kill some time. As we were walking along we came upon the Coach purse store.  Tabitha who had been nearing running right before then just stopped.  She stood at the door and stared at all of the purses.  When we told her that it wasn't okay to go into the store (the sales people were giving us the dirty eye for just stopping) she just stood at the door and pointed to the different purses telling us which ones she liked the best!  Much to our surprise, her favorite was a large yellow one.

If you are looking for any gift ideas for Tabs, you now know what she likes.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Swimming Lessons (Take 2)

Yesterday was the end of another round of swimming lessons with Tabitha.  We signed her up when she was about 6 months old, but didn't re-enroll her in lessons again until this fall.  I was a bit worried about it because whenever we would go to the splashpad she seemed a bit fearful of the water.  Not much, but just enough to get me a bit anxious about this.

It turns out that I had nothing to worry about.  She has enjoyed the past 8 weeks and has made great progress.  She loves to blow bubbles (and now can successfully do this without swallowing the water), does great floating on her back, and definitely loves to kick, kick, kick!  She is the only kid in the class that sings the songs out loud, too.

It looks like we'll be signing her up again soon!

Before lessons...loving the water!

Showing off her kicking skills

Tick-tock...her favorite part about lessons (and a great arm workout for her parents)

Kicking some more!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Princess dress up

For several weeks at school, Tabitha kept trying to convince her teachers that she was going to be a princess for Halloween.  I was a bit nervous when we took out the elephant costume, but she enjoyed that too.  As I told a co-worker of mine this, she suggested that I go to Target after Halloween and get a princess costume on clearance.  Duh??!!  Why didn't I think of this.  I am queen of the after Christmas clearance sales, so this only made perfect sense.

Last Saturday Tabitha and I ventured to Target.  Not thinking they would have much left after being crowded out  by Christmas stuff, I was pleasantly surprised to find a whole aisle still of costumes.  It was quite messy, but still they were there.  We searched and searched and found a cute costume for Tabitha for more than 50% off.  We came home and she immediately wanted it on.  She proceeded to wear it around the house for the rest of the day and she even wore it on her daddy-daughter date to the Mall of America that night (Yes, you can only imagine the oohs and aahs that James got taking her around).

The next day James scouted out Babies 'R Us and found a few other costumes including Tinkerbell and a ladybug.  Needless to say, Tabitha is in dress-up heaven!

On her date night with daddy!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

More Halloween Fun!

Here are a few more photos from this past week's Halloween festivities....

Looking good in orange and black

Strike a pose!

The "yikes" face at the daycare halloween party

In front of her homegrown pumpkin

Pumpkin carving with daddy