Monday, June 4, 2012

Tabs and her animals

Yes, in case you haven't noticed we are frequent visitors of the zoo.  We are there at least several times a month, and now it has become a bit more fun for Tabs because she actually looks at the animals, rather than looking at just the people.  As I looked through photos for this blog post I realized that we have lots of pictures with Tabs next to scary animals. 

I hope you find these pictures just as amusing as we do!
With the Komodo Dragon...far away from eating me!

Three sleeping bears...oh no! (Looks at her expression)
A big Fred-the-cat
Here fluff!
Hello Tapir
More sleeping bears
Crocodile take 1

Crocodile take 2 (Get me out of here!!!!)
Crocodile take 3...I have teeth just like him!

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