Saturday, June 9, 2012

A quiet Saturday night

I am home on a Saturday night.  Yes, that's what happens when you are a parent.  However it is quiet and the door to the baby's room is open even though it is after 7:30.  The only thing that is remoting stirring is Fred...and that's only when he moves to turn over to his other side.

With James out of town, my parents were nice enough to take Tabitha for most of the day and even for overnight!  So, it's just me, myself, and my thoughts (well, and of course Fred).  I have gotten a lot accomplished today around the house and even found some time to relax and chill out.

There's no doubt in my mind that Tabitha is having a great time without me.  She reluctantly gave me a kiss as I was leaving because she was looking  forward to pulling her baby's wagon around the development and helping grandma water flowers.  I can only imagine what other fun things they did today. 

Thanks grandma and grandpa for the much needed free time!  I am energized and ready to go again.  Tabs...I'll see ya in the morning!

Ready to go!

Bye Mom!  Why haven't you left yet?  I need to get to work with grandma!

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