Saturday, June 30, 2012

Tabs and Fred...Best Friends Forever (at least in Tabitha's mind...I am not sure Fred feels the same way).

Beep!  Tabitha loves to "beep" Fred's nose. silly!

Here Fred, let me help you into this bag.

I love you, Fred!

Monday, June 25, 2012

I didn't realize until I was snapping this picture that Tabitha and her "baby" looked alike (well, except the hair...we hadn't done anything with Tabs' curls yet that morning--she is partial to the two pigtail look as well).

Tabitha and baby

I love my babies!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

Last weekend we helped James celebrate Father's Day!  While it was filled with traveling home from a wedding, we managed time for the three (I mean, four including Fred) of us to celebrate together.  From a great lunch cooked by daddy, to opening gifts, naptime, one of daddy's favorite dinners of lasagna, and capping the day with a walk, I believe all had a good time.

Naptime!  Okay, this picture was really taken on Saturday, but too cute to not put up!

The first of many things to open.

I love you daddy!

Look what I made for you!


Finally...a picture where everyone's looking at the camera!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

My future Olympic gymnast

I have to be careful not to post this on Father's Day as daddy believes his daughter will be going to Juilliard to be a ballerina.  Anyways, Tabs and I were watching the gymnastics on TV the other day, so I asked Tabs if she wanted to practice her somersaults.  She jumped up and down and said yes with a lot of enthusiasm.  I thought that I better get her somersault on camera so that when she wins the Olympics some day the whole world can see how talented she was at 22 months old.

Watch for her in the 2028 Olympics (she will be too young to compete in the 2024 games).

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

It's true!

Okay, so I am guessing some of you didn't believe me about the ice cream.  So, here's the proof!

Part 1

Part 2

Monday, June 11, 2012

Welcome summer!

I have piggies (pigtails) in today!

I made mommy take this picture as I was looking at myself!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Uh oh

Tabitha is creative.  Unfortunately she decided to be creative in the wrong place.  Thankfully we haven't graduated her from the washable crayons, so it took all of 10 seconds to clean up. 

At least it is blue...the only color in her vocabulary so far.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

A quiet Saturday night

I am home on a Saturday night.  Yes, that's what happens when you are a parent.  However it is quiet and the door to the baby's room is open even though it is after 7:30.  The only thing that is remoting stirring is Fred...and that's only when he moves to turn over to his other side.

With James out of town, my parents were nice enough to take Tabitha for most of the day and even for overnight!  So, it's just me, myself, and my thoughts (well, and of course Fred).  I have gotten a lot accomplished today around the house and even found some time to relax and chill out.

There's no doubt in my mind that Tabitha is having a great time without me.  She reluctantly gave me a kiss as I was leaving because she was looking  forward to pulling her baby's wagon around the development and helping grandma water flowers.  I can only imagine what other fun things they did today. 

Thanks grandma and grandpa for the much needed free time!  I am energized and ready to go again.  Tabs...I'll see ya in the morning!

Ready to go!

Bye Mom!  Why haven't you left yet?  I need to get to work with grandma!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Tabs and her animals

Yes, in case you haven't noticed we are frequent visitors of the zoo.  We are there at least several times a month, and now it has become a bit more fun for Tabs because she actually looks at the animals, rather than looking at just the people.  As I looked through photos for this blog post I realized that we have lots of pictures with Tabs next to scary animals. 

I hope you find these pictures just as amusing as we do!
With the Komodo Dragon...far away from eating me!

Three sleeping bears...oh no! (Looks at her expression)
A big Fred-the-cat
Here fluff!
Hello Tapir
More sleeping bears
Crocodile take 1

Crocodile take 2 (Get me out of here!!!!)
Crocodile take 3...I have teeth just like him!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

A day at the park

Last Sunday we played at the park for a little bit.  We had a great time...Tabitha had fun climbing and going down the slides, I had fun taking pictures, and Tabitha loved laughing at me while I was swinging.  Here's to more fun summer days!

Hi Mama...I'm having fun!


Hum....what way should I go?


Snack time...playing makes me hungry!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The "cheesy" smile...what more can I say?!