Saturday, May 26, 2012

Mom of the Year Award

For a few months now, Tabs has started what we are calling self-directed potty-training.  She thinks using the potty is fun and we aren't pushing anything with her.  If we aren't completely potty trained by August, then we'll work harder on it, but for now it's fun and she enjoys doing it, which we promote!  In fact, she is teaching the older kids at daycare how much fun it is, and so now they all think it is something that they should do. (Side note...Tabs new favorite word is poop!)

Well, the other day after bathtime she told me that she needed to use the potty.  We weren't dressed yet from the bath, so I set her on the toliet.  Because it was already later than usual for bedtime, and I had a million other things I wanted to get done before I went to bed, I thought that I would put her pjs on and put her lotion on while using the potty (multi-tasking is great!).  When she was done we brushed teeth, read books, and went to bed!

The next morning I woke up and she was wet!  Her pjs were wet, her bed was wet, and I was trying to figure out what happened.  We have never had a problem with a leaky diaper overnight before.  In fact we've been so lucky that while other people have complained about only using a certain diaper because of the leaking, that we have chosen whatever diapers are on sale that week!  As I began to carry Tabs to the bathroom to give her yet another bath (which she never minds), I suddenly realized where I went wrong...after trying to be too efficient getting her to bed, I forgot to put her diaper on!  STabs didn't seem to mind though as she had slept right through everything. What a trooper!

Yes, definitely a shining moment in mommyhood!

Sparing you a picture of Tabs on the potty.  Here's a typically after a nap pose from her.  As you can see daddy has dressed her.

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