Monday, May 28, 2012

Ice Cream

I scream, you scream, we scream for ice cream!  Ahhhh that memorable quote.  We all scream for ice cream because we love it.  It's summer, and what else goes better on a hot day than ice cream.  Well, for Tabs, she screams too....except it's because she's terrified of the stuff!

I am not sure what it is about ice cream, but she's never really liked it.  Since she's on the petite side, we have been given the okay by the doctor to feed her as much of the stuff as we want to.  The only downside is that the girl won't eat it! 

Funny day we walked down to Dairy Queen on our way to the park.  It was a humid day...perfect we thought for ice cream.  We placed our order, got our cones, and headed outside.  We were hopeful that this was the time that Tabs was going to like the stuff.  We sat her down and brought the spoon up to her and "AAAAHHHHHH....NOOOOOOOO!".  All I have to say was good thing we were outside.  I am sure that people think that we were doing something bad.

We are about 1 for 100 attempts in her eating ice cream.  I have been successful once.  On a particularly good day after a visit to grandma and grandpa's house, a great time at a restaurant, we came home and had a little time to play.  Tabs thought that she should reorganize Fred's unopened treat bag, so I decided to sneak a bowl next to her.  I walked away and pretended that I wasn't watching.  Amazingly she ate it, picked up the bowl and asked for more.  After three bowls she was done (and probably had a stomachache to go with it--yes, mother of the year award again).  Since that time however we've been unsuccessful. 

Oh well, she's related to James and me, so she's bound to love the day.  Until cuts down on our costs at Dairy Queen.

Trickery....finally figuring out that she "maybe" likes ice cream.

A historic moment...the one and only time she's ever ate the stuff!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

My babies

Tabitha has toys...lots of them...made for both boys and girls.  However, I am starting to see the influence of the "older" girls in her room at daycare.  Most of them are about two-and-a half years old and they like to play with their babies.  With that said, Tabitha has now become attached to every stuffed animal and doll that she owns.  They are all as Tabitha likes to say "My babies". 

Tabitha's "babies" go rides, to bed, to school (hence the initials TD written on the forehead of that baby), to dinner and anywhere else that she wants them to go.  Before bed the other night she kept saying that she needed her babies.  So, we kept bringing her favorites, but after each one she said "My babies".  Finally, she ended up with a cribful of babies. 

While I didn't capture the moment that evening...I did get a picture of her and her babies the next morning.
My babies

Cheesy smile!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Mom of the Year Award

For a few months now, Tabs has started what we are calling self-directed potty-training.  She thinks using the potty is fun and we aren't pushing anything with her.  If we aren't completely potty trained by August, then we'll work harder on it, but for now it's fun and she enjoys doing it, which we promote!  In fact, she is teaching the older kids at daycare how much fun it is, and so now they all think it is something that they should do. (Side note...Tabs new favorite word is poop!)

Well, the other day after bathtime she told me that she needed to use the potty.  We weren't dressed yet from the bath, so I set her on the toliet.  Because it was already later than usual for bedtime, and I had a million other things I wanted to get done before I went to bed, I thought that I would put her pjs on and put her lotion on while using the potty (multi-tasking is great!).  When she was done we brushed teeth, read books, and went to bed!

The next morning I woke up and she was wet!  Her pjs were wet, her bed was wet, and I was trying to figure out what happened.  We have never had a problem with a leaky diaper overnight before.  In fact we've been so lucky that while other people have complained about only using a certain diaper because of the leaking, that we have chosen whatever diapers are on sale that week!  As I began to carry Tabs to the bathroom to give her yet another bath (which she never minds), I suddenly realized where I went wrong...after trying to be too efficient getting her to bed, I forgot to put her diaper on!  STabs didn't seem to mind though as she had slept right through everything. What a trooper!

Yes, definitely a shining moment in mommyhood!

Sparing you a picture of Tabs on the potty.  Here's a typically after a nap pose from her.  As you can see daddy has dressed her.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Just one of those days

While we haven't necessarily scheduled a lot to do on Saturdays recently, we have found that we have been really busy though.  Additionally, it's been cold and rainy (today is an exeception though!).  So, on the way back from one of our many trips two weeks ago, Tabs fell asleep in her car seat with her Teddy in hand.  So, of course we had to nab one of those classic photos.  Enjoy!

Sunday, May 6, 2012


I went shoe shopping the other day.  James asked to see what I got, but before I could break out my shoes and try them on for him, Tabitha was already checking everything out.  She's a true girl!  I am sure her closet one day will be full of shoes (she must get that from Auntie Abby!).

Trying them out.

Look at me...when do I get my first pair of heels?

Without the socks

Who needs baby shoes when I have these?!!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Playin in the garden

Last weekend James prepped the garden for springtime planting.  After the winter and tree removal debris was gone, he tilled it and nearly completed installing the fence.  As Tabs and I were bored inside we came out for a look.  Tabs decided to she needed a closer look to make sure that it passed inspection.

This is fun stomping in the dirt!

Mom look!  My feet are getting dirty!

Ohhh...I am making tracks.

Look!  The strawberries are growing!

I am so cute and you can't do anything about it!

Friday, May 4, 2012

More words

Tabitha's helping me write this update...she wanted me to share all of the new words that she is learning.  Here are some of her favorites...

No, No, No!
Puppy (ugh...James taught her that one to try and convince me to get a dog)

I'm sure I am forgetting some but all in all she's quickly learning!