Sunday, March 11, 2012

Always a helper

Tabitha is a little helper.  She likes to help you in whatever chore you are doing.  She, unlike me, does not see it as a chore, but rather something fun to do.  Tabitha's really at helping with the laundry...between sorting, putting it in the washer, then moving it to the dryer, and finally putting it in her laundry basket.  I just need to teach her to fold and iron.
The other day we realized how much she likes helping to clean the floor...especially after she's eaten.  Since Fred doesn't do clean up duties like I had hoped, we've had to rely on the sweeper.  Tabitha has now taken charge of that chore. 

Hopefully she tackles all of her chores when she gets older in this same enthusiastic way!

Always a helper!

1 comment:

Tean said...

Umm, she's your daughter, was there any doubt she would be a good's a good thing blaine has learned these skills from our daycare provider...he is better about cleaning up than we are :)